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Timeline for Settling Pedestrian Accident Claims: What You Need to Know

On behalf of Harper, Evans, Hilbrenner & Netemeyer

Apr 03, 2024

From Impact to Compensation: What You Need to Know

man walking in front of car as it turns 
what to do in a pedestrian car accident

Victims of pedestrian accidents in Missouri need to understand the settlement timeline to effectively plan and make informed decisions. Legal complexities highlight the need for guidance, as these cases often involve negotiations with insurance companies and at-fault drivers, affecting victims' financial and emotional well-being. Understanding the typical settlement process, influenced by injury severity, fault clarity, and insurance responsiveness, is crucial. This knowledge helps manage expectations and prepare for each step, from initial actions post-accident to reaching a settlement, navigating through these challenging times with clarity.

Medical Treatment and Evidence Collection

Prompt medical care is critical for health recovery and legal reasons in the aftermath of a pedestrian accident. The duration and complexity of medical treatment directly influence the claim's value. This treatment phase, extending until maximum medical improvement (MMI) is achieved, is a pivotal period for gathering substantial evidence. Collecting medical records and documenting witness accounts are indispensable during this time. These records are undeniable proof of the extent of injuries and their impact on daily life. In-depth and accurate documentation establishes a solid foundation for subsequent legal actions. This meticulous phase sets the groundwork for negotiations or potential court proceedings, ensuring the victim's situation is comprehensively represented.

Navigating the Legal Process

In Missouri, pedestrian accident claims are governed by specific legal timelines, prominently the statute of limitations. This critical time frame determines when a victim must initiate legal proceedings. Understanding and adhering to this timeline is essential for preserving the right to compensation. Here, the expertise of legal professionals becomes invaluable. Skilled attorneys adeptly manage complex insurance negotiations and, if necessary, litigation. Their role is multifaceted, involving the accurate valuation of claims, strategic negotiation, and staunch advocacy for the victim's rights. In scenarios where settlement discussions are unsuccessful and litigation becomes the only option, their guidance becomes even more crucial. Navigating this legal landscape requires not only legal knowledge but also tactical understanding to ensure that the victim's rights are upheld and that they receive fair compensation for their injuries and suffering.

Additional Legal Considerations

In pedestrian accident claims, legal timing and court involvement are key factors. Each state has its own deadline, known as the statute of limitations, for filing a claim; Missouri sets this at 5 years. Missing this deadline can forfeit your compensation rights. If negotiations fail, cases may go to court, lengthening the process due to scheduling and preparation. Court duration varies, influenced by caseloads and other factors, making attorney consultation vital for timely and effective claim handling. 

How Long Do Pedestrian Accident Settlements Take?

Pedestrian accident settlements with straightforward fault and simple injuries typically conclude within 6 to 12 months post-treatment. However, in cases involving severe injuries requiring surgery, the timeline extends, sometimes taking 12 to 16 months after the completion of medical care to settle.

Get Help Navigating Pedestrian Accident Claims in Missouri

Legal expertise is pivotal in guiding victims through the intricate maze of insurance negotiations and legal proceedings. Skilled attorneys are essential for valuing claims accurately, strategically negotiating settlements, and advocating vigorously for the victim's rights. Their involvement is crucial when settlements cannot be reached, and cases proceed to litigation. Their tactical insight and deep understanding of the legal framework are invaluable assets.

Navigating the Legal Landscape of Pedestrian Accident Claims

Ultimately, the goal is to secure a fair settlement compensating for the victim's losses and suffering. The journey, though potentially lengthy and challenging, is a testament to the resilience of the victims and the commitment of legal professionals to uphold justice. For those affected by pedestrian accidents in Missouri, this understanding offers a beacon of hope and a path forward in their quest for rightful compensation and closure. Contact HEHN for help with a pedestrian accident settlement.

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