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Average Slip and Fall Injury Compensation in Missouri

On behalf of Harper, Evans, Hilbrenner & Netemeyer

Jan 31, 2024

Understanding the Variables: Factors Affecting Slip and Fall Injury Compensation in Missouri

man slips and Falls he seeks out legal compensation through a personal injury lawyer

Slip and fall accidents are among the most common personal injury incidents in Missouri, often leading to serious injuries and financial burdens for victims. When such accidents occur due to the negligence of property owners or businesses, victims may seek compensation through legal means. In this article, we will explore the average slip and fall injury compensation in Missouri, shedding light on the legal framework, relevant statistics, and factors that impact the compensation awarded to victims.

Missouri Premises Liability Law Basics

Missouri premises liability laws are crucial in determining liability in slip and fall cases. These laws establish the legal responsibility of property owners or occupiers for injuries that occur on their premises. In essence, if a person gets injured due to a dangerous condition on someone else's property, they may have the right to seek compensation from the property owner or the business entity that owns the property.

Key elements of Missouri premises liability law include

  • Duty of Care: Property owners have a legal duty to maintain their premises in a reasonably safe condition for visitors and customers. This includes regular inspections and prompt repair of hazards.
  • Negligence: To establish a slip and fall claim, the victim must prove that the property owner or occupier was negligent in maintaining the property, and this negligence directly led to the injury.
  • Comparative Fault: Missouri follows a comparative fault system, which means that the compensation awarded to the victim may be reduced if they are found partially responsible for the accident.
  • Statute of Limitations: In Missouri, personal injury claims, including slip and fall cases, typically have a five-year statute of limitations, meaning victims must file their lawsuits within five years of the accident.

Now that we understand the basic legal framework, let's delve into the factors that impact the average slip and fall injury compensation in Missouri.

Factors Influencing Slip and Fall Injury Compensation

  • Severity of Injuries: The extent and severity of the injuries sustained in a slip and fall accident play a significant role in determining compensation. More severe injuries result in substantial medical bills and long-term consequences are likely to result in higher compensation amounts.
  • Liability: Establishing liability is crucial in slip and fall cases. If it is clear that the property owner or business was negligent and directly responsible for the accident, it is more likely that the victim will receive a higher compensation amount.
  • Insurance Coverage: The availability and limits of the property owner's or business's liability insurance coverage can impact the compensation amount. If the at-fault party has higher insurance coverage, it may be possible to secure a larger settlement.
  • Medical Expenses: Victims can seek compensation for medical expenses related to their injuries, including hospital bills, surgeries, medications, rehabilitation, and future medical costs. The total medical expenses incurred directly affect the compensation amount.
  • Lost Income: If the victim is unable to work due to their injuries, they may be entitled to compensation for lost wages. This can include both past and future income that the victim would have earned had the accident not occurred.
  • Pain and Suffering: Non-economic damages, such as pain and suffering, emotional distress, and loss of enjoyment of life, can also impact the compensation amount. These damages are often more subjective and can vary greatly from case to case.
  • Legal Representation: Hiring an experienced personal injury attorney can significantly impact the outcome of a slip and fall case in Missouri. A skilled attorney can negotiate on behalf of the victim and work to maximize the compensation they receive.
  • Comparative Fault: Missouri's comparative fault system means that if the victim is found partially responsible for the accident, their compensation may be reduced proportionally. It is essential to establish the degree of fault accurately to maximize compensation.

Average Slip and Fall Injury Compensation in Missouri

While it is challenging to pinpoint an exact average compensation amount for slip and fall cases in Missouri, we can look at some statistics and verdicts to gain a better understanding of what victims may expect.

  • Verdicts and Settlements: Missouri personal injury verdicts and settlements vary widely, depending on the circumstances of each case. In some instances, victims have been awarded significant compensation, while others have received more modest settlements.
  • Case Specifics: The specific details of a slip and fall case significantly impact the compensation amount. Factors such as the location of the accident, the severity of injuries, and the liability of the property owner or business all play a role.
  • Past Cases: Past slip and fall cases in Missouri can provide insight into the compensation amounts awarded. However, it's essential to remember that each case is unique, and results can vary.
  • Jury Awards: Jury awards in slip-and-fall cases have ranged from a few thousand dollars to several million dollars, depending on the factors mentioned earlier. A skilled attorney can present a compelling case to maximize compensation.
  • Settlement Negotiations: Many slip-and-fall cases are settled out of court through negotiations between the parties involved. Settlement amounts can vary, but they are often influenced by the strength of the victim's case and the willingness of the at-fault party to settle.

Case Study: Missouri Slip and Fall Verdict

To provide a real-world example, let's consider a recent slip-and-fall verdict in Missouri:

Case: In a Missouri grocery store, a customer slipped and fell on a wet floor that lacked warning signs or barriers. The customer suffered a fractured hip and required surgery, followed by extensive rehabilitation.

Verdict: In this case, the jury found the grocery store owner negligent for failing to maintain a safe environment. The victim was awarded $350,000 in compensation, which included medical expenses, lost income, and pain and suffering.

It's important to note that this verdict is just one example, and outcomes can vary significantly based on the unique circumstances of each case.

Slip and fall accidents in Missouri can lead to serious injuries and financial hardship for victims. Seeking compensation through legal means is essential to recover damages for medical expenses, lost income, and pain and suffering. Understanding the factors that influence slip and fall injury compensation, such as the severity of injuries, liability, and insurance coverage, can help victims navigate the legal process effectively.

While there is no fixed average compensation amount for slip and fall cases in Missouri, victims can refer to past cases and settlements as guidelines. Working with an experienced personal injury attorney is crucial to building a strong case and maximizing the compensation to which victims may be entitled. If you or someone you know has been injured in a slip and fall accident in Missouri, it is advisable to consult with a legal professional to assess your options and pursue fair compensation.

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