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Personal Injury Settlements in Missouri: Real Examples

On behalf of Harper, Evans, Hilbrenner & Netemeyer

Jan 30, 2024

Factors Influencing Personal Injury Settlement Amounts in Missouri

When it comes to personal injury settlements in Missouri, it's essential to understand that each case is unique, and the settlement amount can vary significantly based on various factors. These factors include the severity of the injury, liability, insurance coverage, and the negotiation skills of the involved parties. In this article, we will explore real examples of personal injury settlements in Missouri to provide insight into the outcomes of these cases.

The Landscape of Personal Injury Settlements in Missouri

Missouri follows a comparative fault system, which means that the compensation a plaintiff receives can be reduced if they are found partially at fault for their injury. This system is crucial to remember when considering personal injury settlements in the state.

To illustrate the range of settlements in Missouri, we'll draw examples from various sources, including legal websites and government resources.

$1,000,000 Settlement

One notable personal injury settlement in Missouri was reported in 2022, where a plaintiff received a $1,000,000 settlement. In this case, the victim suffered head and neck injuries due to a car accident. The severity of the injuries and the resulting medical expenses likely played a significant role in the substantial settlement amount[^1^]. This example highlights the potential for substantial settlements in severe injuries and clear liability cases.

Workers' Compensation Settlements

Workers' compensation cases in Missouri follow a different process than typical personal injury claims. The Missouri Department of Labor and Industrial Relations oversees workers' compensation claims in the state[^2^]. The settlements in these cases can vary widely, depending on factors such as the type of injury, the extent of disability, and the injured worker's average weekly wage. Here are a couple of examples:

Settlement for Permanent Partial Disability

Suppose a worker sustains a permanent partial disability as a result of a workplace accident in Missouri. In that case, the settlement amount will be based on a formula that considers the nature and extent of the disability, along with the worker's average weekly wage. For instance, a worker who loses a percentage of their earning capacity may receive a settlement that reflects this loss. These settlements can range from several thousand dollars to over a hundred thousand dollars, depending on the specific circumstances.

Settlement for Total Permanent Disability

In cases where a worker is rendered totally and permanently disabled, the settlement amount will typically be more substantial. It may include ongoing wage replacement benefits, vocational rehabilitation expenses, and medical treatment costs. Such settlements can reach hundreds of thousands or even millions of dollars, depending on the extent of the disability and the future needs of the injured worker.

Slip and Fall Accident Settlement

In a slip and fall case in Missouri, the settlement amount can vary depending on factors such as the severity of the injuries, liability issues, and the negotiation skills of the parties involved. Here's an example:

Suppose an individual slips and falls on a wet floor in a grocery store due to the store's negligence in maintaining a safe environment. As a result, they suffer a fractured hip and require surgery and extensive rehabilitation. In this case, the injured party may file a personal injury claim against the store. The settlement may include compensation for medical expenses, pain and suffering, lost wages, and future medical needs.

A slip-and-fall settlement in Missouri could range from a few thousand dollars for minor injuries to several hundred thousand dollars or more for severe injuries with long-term consequences. The key factors influencing the settlement amount would include the extent of the injury, the strength of the evidence, and the negotiation skills of the involved parties.

Medical Malpractice Settlement

Medical malpractice cases in Missouri can result in substantial settlements, given the potential for severe harm caused by medical errors. Here's an example:

Suppose a patient in Missouri undergoes surgery and experiences complications due to a surgeon's negligence. As a result, the patient requires additional surgeries, and extensive medical treatment, and suffers from long-term pain and suffering. In this case, the patient may pursue a medical malpractice claim against the responsible healthcare provider.

Medical malpractice settlements in Missouri can vary widely, depending on factors such as the extent of the harm, the cost of ongoing medical care, and the impact on the patient's quality of life. Settlements in these cases can range from tens of thousands of dollars to millions of dollars, with the most severe cases resulting in the highest settlements.

Car Accident Settlement

Car accidents are among the most common sources of personal injury claims in Missouri. Here's an example of a car accident settlement:

Suppose a motorist is rear-ended by a distracted driver, resulting in whiplash injuries and ongoing neck pain. In this case, the injured party may file a personal injury claim against the at-fault driver's insurance company.

Car accident settlements in Missouri can vary widely depending on factors such as the severity of injuries, the cost of medical treatment, property damage, and lost wages. Settlements for minor injuries may range from a few thousand dollars to tens of thousands. In comparison, settlements for more severe injuries or cases involving permanent disability can exceed a million dollars.

Factors Affecting Personal Injury Settlements

Now that we've explored some real examples of personal injury settlements in Missouri, it's crucial to understand the factors that influence these settlements:

Severity of Injuries

The extent of the plaintiff's injuries plays a significant role in determining the settlement amount. More severe injuries typically result in higher settlements, as they require more extensive medical treatment and may have long-term or permanent consequences.


Establishing liability is critical in personal injury cases. If there is clear evidence of the defendant's negligence or wrongdoing, it strengthens the plaintiff's case and can lead to higher settlements.

Insurance Coverage

The amount of insurance coverage available can limit the potential settlement amount. If the at-fault party has minimal insurance coverage, it may be challenging to secure a substantial settlement, even in cases with severe injuries.

Comparative Fault

Missouri's comparative fault system allows for a reduction in the plaintiff's compensation if they are found partially at fault for the accident. The degree of fault assigned to each party can impact the final settlement amount.

Negotiation Skills

The negotiation skills of the plaintiff's attorney and the defendant's insurance company can also influence the settlement outcome. Skilled negotiators may secure higher settlements for their clients.

 Economic Damages

Personal injury settlements often include compensation for economic damages, such as medical bills, lost wages, property damage, and future medical expenses. The calculation of these damages can significantly impact the settlement amount.

Non-Economic Damages

Non-economic damages, such as pain and suffering, emotional distress, and loss of enjoyment of life, are also considered in personal injury settlements. These damages are subjective and can vary greatly depending on the circumstances of the case.

Personal injury settlements in Missouri encompass a wide range of scenarios, from car accidents and slip and fall cases to medical malpractice and workers' compensation claims. The examples provided in this article illustrate the variability of settlement amounts based on factors such as the severity of injuries, liability, insurance coverage, and negotiation skills.

It's essential to remember that every personal injury case is unique, and the specific circumstances will determine the outcome. If you or a loved one has been injured due to someone else's negligence in Missouri, it's crucial to consult with an experienced personal injury attorney who can assess your case

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